Book Review: Property of the Rebel Librarian by Allison Varnes

Property of the rebel librarian cover

I give this book 5/5 stars without question!

I read this book last night and found that it was thoughtful and appropriate (it’s banned books week!) from start to finish. I bought this book for myself thinking “When I’m done I can donate it to my library and have it go on the shelf for the kids” but I found myself enjoying it so much I decided to keep it! I will be requesting we purchase another copy for my library. 🙂

As a children’s librarian, I was delighted to see a book pertaining to censorship and Banned Books that was the right age for some of my older kiddos. Sometimes it’s hard to explain challenging and banning to kids who have never experienced it, and that is exactly what June goes through in this novel. It’s often hard to imagine going through a situation so tough, so why not read about it and see for yourself what June went through? I believe this book could help facilitate a wonderful and insightful discussion among children/teens about what they would do if they were in June’s position.

Despite what some of the characters in the book think, I think that June is a wonderful role model and that her persistence in fighting for what is right is the kind of character that kids need to look up to. She was brave in a situation where she knew she could be in BIG trouble for standing up to censorship, and I think that is admirable and worth talking to our children about.

Overall I thought this was a wonderful book and would recommend it to anyone (children, teens, and adults). I think everyone could learn a little something about June!


Buy the book on Amazon!

(Will update with a link to the library catalog once we purchase!)

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