Book Review: The Collector by K.R. Alexander

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I would give this book 5/5 stars, hands down!

This book was featured on my Scholastic Book Fair promo video for middle grade and my kids FLIPPED out. They all wanted to read it and told me they were going to buy it from the Book Fair, so I ordered it on Amazon so I wouldn’t take a Book Fair copy that could belong to a student. It was out of stock on Amazon too! I finally got it on Saturday and I couldn’t wait to start reading.

I read the whole thing yesterday. It was just the right amount of creepy for middle grade readers, and I made sure to request a copy to be cataloged for the library so that I can recommend it to kids who want scary books. Technically in my library it will belong in the 3-5 grade section, but I think some 3rd graders might be a little young. It’s so new that there isn’t a lot of information on it yet (AR points or reviews from parents), so if you are considering this book for your child, my best advice is to take the couple of hours and read it yourself first. It isn’t super scary, and reading is always different than watching it happen, but if you aren’t sure about your child’s tolerance for scary stuff, I recommend reading it first. (It’s also great so I would recommend it to adults even if you aren’t gauging for a child)!

Dolls are creepy enough but THESE dolls are on a whole other level. Pair that with a seemingly-senile grandmother, a mysterious new friend, whispering winds and a dark woods, and you have Josie and Anna’s new life. Find out what happens to the girls by reading this awesome book!

This was my first book of #SpookyReadsOctober and I can’t wait to read more spooky books!

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