Book Review: Small Spaces by Katherine Arden

small spaces


This was the third book I have read for #SpookyReadsOctober, where I decided all through October I am going to read only scary books!! Going great so far!

I saw this book on the “to-be-cataloged” shelf at the library where I work and asked if I could borrow it for the weekend before it went through processing. Best decision ever! I give this book 5/5 stars and will definitely be recommending it to my library kiddos who ask for scary books. (and they will a lot in the coming weeks)

Ollie is a strong and brave protagonist in the midst of a terrifying situation, and still coping with the loss of her mother. She is reserved and had withdrawn from many of her favorite activities, and finds her solace in books. When a mysterious (and sort of stolen) book opens Ollie’s eyes to a sinister secret, she must save her friends and herself from the Smiling Man.

I thought this book was positively creepy. There are some scary scenes, but I think most middle grade readers can handle it. I will say, it makes scarecrows scary and that is something I found really refreshing and sort of terrifying. I’m used to scary ghosts or dolls or people but scarecrows was a new one for me!

I would recommend this book to children, teens and adults! I thought it was fantastic and was so glad I got to read it before it hit my library shelves. Great book!


Buy the book here!

(Will link to our library catalog once the book is processed!)